Friday, June 26, 2015

The Benefits of Invigoration and Cold Water Immersion

We found this great article on the benefits of invigoration and cold water immersion written and published by the Tony Robbins team. Invigoration is something that may not be always  comfortable, but it tends to boost your body's metabolism, circulation of lymph, blood and oxygen, reduce inflammation and in the process of it all, there's evidence that our moods get a boost as well. 

Check it out! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Back Story

So, here's the deal. I began exploring craft tea formula making while studying eastern medicine, deeply investing in learning how to expedite recoveries from overwork and over training, and making myself a more efficient runner. I was a regular guy nearing 30 who made substantial professional and personal changes, and chose take a direct path to study and practice naturalistic medicine for feeling more objectively amazing.

As a constructive exercise, I began to explore what would make a more deeply cooling, organically invigorating, opening and energizing drink I could use anytime without the vaso-constriction or long half life of coffee or energy drinks, or the sugar or inflammation from juices, while also being more dynamic than simple water.  

Over time, what began to take shape were some bold, unfiltered whole herb situations that looked and felt fairly amazing, and started conversations. 

These are not your average teas. These are something else, and this is what got me into the consumer product biz. More specifically, the premium natural, non-alcoholic beverage space.

In any case, the journey to develop a market ready product, and build the brand, company and revenues around it has been an interesting one. 

I'll share my stories of the adventure here. I hope they're helpful.

Be awesome.
